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Who We Are...

Who We are?

We are programmers that pursue learning through self/team-initiated projects. We call ourselves Chroma Coders because we focus on the team approach to projects.

Our goal is to introduce you to the team project that you will know how to develop and act upon your ideas in the future.

Past members have learned enough through the project experience to be able to go ahead and do their own projects.

We promote a culture of creative execution. We pride ourselves on the discipline of performing tight, awesome, creative software projects. We view ourselves as creative badasses that focus on creating new realities through software. We code new realities that inspire us and the rest of the world.

Coding is an art form and we intend to be its greatest painters.

Successful members in the past had the following values:

1) Committed to learning through Projects/creating products

2) Finishing what you start

3) People committed to working in teams; learning from team members

4) Self-learning (as compared to organized learning like the classroom)

5) Innovation, Inventiveness, Playfulness; A burning desire to create unique compelling ideas

Successful members in the past had the following characteristics…

1) A burning desire to have a cool project out with their name on it

2) Previous programming experience

3) Anti-establishment attitude

What we do?

We do projects. We create code. We are programming artists. We are programming musicians. We create new realities through software.

We give you an awesome team project experience so that you can learn to do projects on your own.

How to Join:

To join, you must be able to contribute to finishing a group project.

Where we meet?

We meet online with our weekly radio meetings. We also form groups around various universities around the country that include:

1) University of Michigan

2) University of Illinois

3) University of Texas – Austin

4) Berkeley

5) MIT

6) Stanford

7) Georgia Tech

8) Northwestern

9) University of Chicago

10) UCLA

11) UC-San Diego

12) UC-Santa Cruz

Contact Information:

Right now we are rebuilding the organization. Feel free to e-mail the president.


